Artibus et Historiae no. 89 (XLV)
2024, ISSN 0391-9064Up
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NORA GIETZ - A Woman Artist in Eighteenth-Century Venice: New Details about Giulia Lama’s Life (1681–1747), pp. 225–246
This essay takes a biographical approach to uncover more details about the life and work of Giulia Lama (1681–1747), the enigmatic eighteenth-century Venetian artist. It uses archival research to understand how the circumstances of Lama’s everyday life, her personal experiences, and her family relationships may have shaped her artistic career. Specifically, parish records and a series of population censuses carried out by the Venetian government shed invaluable light on the Lama family’s social and economic situation during her painter father Agostino’s lifetime, then importantly on Giulia’s independence after his death, and finally on the dissolution of the Lama household after her younger surviving sister’s passing. Finally, the exact location of Giulia Lama’s home for her entire life and new evidence about her artistic practice are revealed.