Artibus et Historiae no. 63 (XXXII) 2011 232 x 252 mm ISSN 0391-9064 Price : 90.00 EUR Add to cart Buy issue pdf |
LIANA DE GIROLAMI CHENEY - Leonardo da Vinci’s Uffizi Annunciation: The Holy Spirit (pp. 39–54)
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R. WARD BISSELL - Simon Vouet, Raphael, and the Accademia di San Luca in Rome (pp. 55–72)
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LEW ANDREWS - Botticelli’s Primavera, Angelo Poliziano, and Ovid’s Fasti (pp. 73–84)
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LIVIO PESTILLI - On Bernini’s Reputed Unpopularity in Late Baroque Rome (pp. 119–142)
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STEFANO PIERGUIDI - Gian Lorenzo Bernini tra teoria e prassi artistica: la speaking likeness, il “bel composto”, e il “paragone” (pp. 143–164)
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DAMIAN DOMBROWSKI - Apotheosis and Mediality in Bernini’s Later Portrait Busts (pp. 165–200)
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STEVEN F. OSTROW - (Re)presenting Francesco I d’Este: An Allegorical Still Life in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (pp. 201–216)
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LARS BLUNCK - “Purely Optical Things”? On Marcel Duchamp’s Precision Optics (pp. 259–274)
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