Artibus et Historiae no. 33 (XVII) 1996 252 x 232 mm ISSN 0391-9064 Sold Out Buy issue pdf |
TERISIO PIGNATTI - Nuovi esami tecnici e stilistici per il Cristo deposto di Paolo Veronese (pp. 9—22)
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JAMES BECK - The Portrait of Julius II in London's National Gallery. The Goose that Turned Into a Gander (pp. 69—95)
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MICHAEL ROHLMANN - Botticellis «Primavera». Zu Anlaß, Adressat und Funktion von mythologischen Gemälden im Florentiner Quattrocento (pp. 97—132)
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UWE FLECKNER - Der Gottesstaat als Vedute. Jan van Eycks Madonna des Kanzlers Nicolas Rolin (pp. 133—158)
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MARCIN FABIAŃSKI - Correggio's Venus, Cupid and a 'Satyr'. Its Form and Iconography (pp. 159—173)
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THEA BURNS, VOJTECH JIRAT-WASIUTYŃSKI - Paul Gauguin's Breton Girl by the Sea: Recovering a Gouache for the Artist's Oeuvre (pp. 175—185)
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HIDEMICHI TANAKA - The Discovery of a Great Sculptor: Kimimaro of the Nara Period (710-793) (pp. 187—220)
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