Artibus et Historiae no. 58 (XXIX)

2008, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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CAECILIE WEISSERT - Nova Roma. Some Aspects of the Reception of the Antique in the Netherlands in the 16th Century

The paper Nova Roma traces one aspect of Netherlandish reception of antique art and literature during the 16th century. Beside an admiring or practical approach toward classical antiquity, it offers a more theoretical approach focussing on a self-reflexive and self-increasing adaptation. To legitimate the status of artists, both literary sources and pictorial material are used.

In his translation of the theoretical writings from Vitruvius and Serlio. Pieter Coecke van Aelst admonishes his Netherlandish readers to a more reflected and knowledgeable use of the word "antique". He emphasizes the value of historical writings for each nation and the autonomy of the Netherlandish culture facing classical antiquity and Italy.

In his print series the Wonders of the World Maarten van Heemskerck discusses art-historical topics like posthumous fame, honour, artistic competition and the cunning artist. He stages the Wonders of the World as an artists' glorious deeds, which can only be visualised anew by the artist himself.

Finally, the ornamental inventions by Cornelis Floris focus on the inventive faculties of the artist who follows his inner fantasy. Like the poet, his is inspired by God. He thus must obtain the status of a liberal artist.

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