Artibus et Historiae no. 40 (XX)
1999, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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MARY NEWCOME-SCHLEIER - Clock Designs by Genoese Artists
Thanks to the help of members of the Casa Piola, a studio which certainly included Gaulli before he went to Rome, clocks in Genoa were highly decorative. Piola's drawing of the 1660s for a night clock perhaps to be painted by the French artist Cotelle [Fig. 2] demonstrates his collaboration with clockmakers, as does Gaulli's night clock for Cardinal Chigi in Ariccia in 1670. Gaulli's clock face painted around 1693 on a clock by Callin [Fig. 1] and his drawing for a standing clock [Fig. 4] show patrons continued to want his designs for these functional items. After the deaths of Piola and Gaulli, ornament on clocks got more complex as Piolesque swinging figures decorated surfaces, i.e., in a drawing by Domenico Parodi [Fig. 6] and in a c. 1730 clock carved by Maragliano [Fig. 5].