Artibus et Historiae no. 4 (II)
1981, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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HELLMUT LORENZ - History of Art or History of Artists? - Remarks on the Present State of Research on Viennese Baroque Architecture
The purpose of this article is to show, that most of the palaces built in Vienna during the decades around 1700 (and some important churches too) cannot be considered as creations of only one architect, but are the result of a complicated interwoven process of planning and execution, where several important factors beside the architect have to be considered: competition between rival architects; influences by projects sent from Italy or France; patrons; "masterbuilders", etc. As usual, the method of dealing with these buildings cannot therefore be restricted to the few "great" architects (Fischer von Erlach, Hildebrandt, Martinelli); in keeping with J. Burckhardt's demand for "art history for purposes" ("Kunstgeschichte nach Aufgaben") a much wider perspective has to be taken for an adequate approach to Viennese Baroque architecture.