Artibus et Historiae no. 3 (II)
1981, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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JULIUSZ A. CHROŚCICKI, VLADIMIR P. ODINEC - On Directed Graph Models of Influences in Art Theory
The problem of reciprocal influence of works of art is of fundamental
significance for a theory of art. Using the research of George Kubler, O. Ore, G.
Hermeren, Mieczysław Porębski and others, we suggest a wide use of a model of
these influences of works of art based on the mathematical theory of directed
graphs. It's worth mentioning that art historians were using without knowing it
models of influences already in the 19th century. To understand our model it
has been necessary to invent new terminology, for example: "power of
similarity", "rivers and streams of influences" and "reconstructed overgraphs of
influences". The presented model may be useful in any historical study.