Artibus et Historiae no. 3 (II)

1981, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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JAN BIAƁOSTOCKI - Forman's Cuckoo's Nest, Its Composition and Symbolism

Milos Forman's Cuckoo's Nest belongs to the category of allegorical compositions, the value of which consists in the almost perfect balance established in them between ideas and actual reality represented. When ideas prevail the work becomes artificial, and turns into the proclamation of theses which often are more convincing in the form of theoretical statements. When action, representation of reality and characterization prevail, the idea gets lost - as in life, when entropy blurs the effectiveness of regularity. Forman achieved in a masterly way a balance between symbolism and narrative: allegory has been clad in a human shape, theses turned into a drama.

The author, an art historian, analyses the composition and symbolism of this famous film of Milos Forman.

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