Artibus et Historiae no. 2 (I)

1980, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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ZBIGNIEW CZECZOT-GAWRAK - Polish Film on Art and the Problem of a Synthesis of the Artistic Vision

The practice of making films on art is already widespread, but the theory is unfortunately poor, and criticism comes up only sporadically. This state of things holds back- in Poland and abroad - the development of creativity and causes as well a constant underdevelopment of the distribution institutions. The stakes are high and this modest essay may show only certain aspects of the problem. It would seem that in the twentieth century, as the imaginative evocativeness of the art book or the album of reproductions seems to wane, the film on art in its new forms of historical synthesis is able, with new force, to revive the memory of past centuries, and strengthen the feeling of responsibility for the human heritage.

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