Artibus et Historiae no. 85 (XLIII)

2022, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

CLAIRE PACE - ‘The Beautiful Landscape Made for M. de Bourlemont’: Claude Lorrain’s Painting of Moses and the Burning Bush and Other Works for the Sieur de Bourlemont (pp. 337–361)

The paper focuses on Claude Lorrain’s painting of Moses and the Burning Bush, one of five paintings commissioned by the Sieur (then Abbé) de Bourlemont, a French diplomat who lived in Rome for over twenty years, and who was one of the artist’s most important patrons. After a résumé of what is known of the patron, including a reference to his testament, the paper discusses the other works he commissioned from Claude; then turns to a description of the preparatory drawings for the composition, and its probable visual sources, concluding with a consideration of its enigmatic pendant, a coast scene with uncertain subject.

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