Artibus et Historiae no. 51 (XXVI) 2005 252 x 232 mm ISSN 0391-9064 Price : 90.00 EUR Add to cart Buy issue pdf |
JOSEPH POLZER - S. Maria della Spina, Giovanni Pisano and Lupo di Francesco (pp. 9—36)
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SARIT SHALEV-EYNI - In the Days of the Barley Harvest: The Iconography of Ruth (pp. 37—57)
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MICHAEL VIKTOR SCHWARZ - Retelling the Passion at Naumburg: The West-Screen and Its Audience (pp. 59—72)
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JOHN F. MOFFITT - Sluter's Pleurants and Timanthes' Tristitia Velata: Evolution of, and Sources for a Humanist Topos of Mourning (pp. 73—84)
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BERTHOLD HUB - ...e fa dolce la morte. Love, Death and Salvation in Michelangelo's Last Judgment (pp. 103—130)
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PHILIP COTTRELL - Vice, Vagrancy and Villa Culture: Bonifacio de' Pitati's Dives and Lazarus in its Venetian Context (pp. 131—150)
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ADRIENNE DeANGELIS - The Apollo Wellhead of Danese Cattaneo. A Source for Ammannati's Juno Fountain in Florence (pp. 151—157)
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STEFANO PIERGUIDI - Dalla Veritas filia Temporis di Francesco Marcolini all'Allegoria di Londra del Bronzino: Il Contributo di Francesco Salviati (pp. 159—172)
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ANDRÉ CORBOZ - Les précédents du plan de Jefferson pour l'Université de Virginie (pp. 173—194)
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ROLF LÆSSØE - Édouard Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe as a Veiled Allegory of Painting (pp. 195—220)
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JULIUSZ A. CHROŚCICKI - The Recovered Modello of P.P. Rubens' Disembarkation at Marseilles. The Problem of Control and Censorship in the Cycle Life of Maria de' Medici (pp. 221—249)
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