Artibus et Historiae no. 11 (VI)
1985, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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JINDŘICH CHALUPECKÝ - Marcel Duchamp: A Re—evaluation
A new explanation of The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (1915-1923) and the reasons why this work remained unfinished. Two spatial planes and their conflict. Unrealized figure of a Juggler intended to become a counterpart to the Bride. The unsolvable conflict between the two planes. Genealogy of the Bride from the portraits of Duchamp's sisters. The work was to became a luminous event. Symbols of the circular movement in the ready-mades and in the Bride. Duchamp's metaphysical despair expressed in the ready-mades after 1916. Dada as "a metaphysical approach". "Parareligious" character of Duchamp's artistic experience. Duchamp's surrealism and his arrangements of surrealistic exhibitions - attempts at creating an environment. Inaccessible space and the symbols of the "Given". Duchamp - a martyr to the absolute. The social position of an artist. "Revolution of an ascetic type".