Artibus et Historiae no. 72 (XXXVI)

2015, ISSN 0391-9064

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ENRICO MARIA DAL POZZOLO - Towards the History of El Greco Forgeries: A Draft Categorisation with a Few Examples (pp. 153-173)

The paper discusses the forgeries of El Greco’s paintings from the twentieth century, dividing them into the following categories: a) modern copies that are the same as the original, except for their format and some minor details; b) reinterpretations of original works, amended in order to appear to be ‘variations’ by the artist himself, using different motifs taken from his other paintings; c) more creative combinations, mixing together inspiration from works by both the painter himself and other artists with whom he was undoubtedly in contact; d) images painted in the style of El Greco, but without any actual reference to known original pieces and, if anything, with details that are quite alien to the world of the master; e) signatures on paintings that were contextually similar to the world of El Greco, and which were granted plausibility as his autograph works thanks to these inscriptions. Many examples are provided, mostly relating to works that have appeared on the art market accompanied by the expert opinion of leading specialists.

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