Artibus et Historiae no. 55 (XXVIII)
2007, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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FRANÇOISE VIATTE - Veronese's Drawings for San Sebastiano
To pay homage to William R. Rearick, the Louvre has presented, during the first months of the year 2006, a selection of Venetian drawings, including 28 pieces by Veronese and his school. On the occasion of the restoration of those, the discovery of a new sheet of studies was made on the verso of one of the studies for the decoration of the vault of the nave of the church of San Sebastiano in Venice. Both recto and verso of the drawing are very close to another one, belonging to the Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin. The two drawings are related to the Old Testament Book of Esther.
This article seizes the opportunity to remind of the depth of the analysis by William R. Rearick of the Venetian Drawing and how much he valued the description of the latter. The Louvre drawing belongs to a set of 14 pieces bought by the museum in 1982/83, coming from the Nicolò Sagredo's collection, formed in Venice from the Caliari's bottega during the 17th century. The author deals with a comparative analysis of the two sheets of Berlin and Paris, whose sketches let us perceive all the details of Veronese's research, making use of la testa e gli occhi della mente, according to the Rearick's expression.