Artibus et Historiae no. 46 (XXIII)

2002, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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HEIDI HORNIK - The Strozzi Chapel by Michele Tosini: A Visual Interpretation of Redemptive Epiphany

The rediscovery and analysis of the only extant fresco cycle by Michele Tosini (1503-1577) reaffirms the importance of this Mannerist artist in mid-sixteenth century Florence. The chapel frescoes, commissioned by the Strozzi family, depict the Adoration of the Kings and the Marriage at Cana, two events associated with the favorite Florentine feast day of the Epiphany. A third event, the Baptism of Christ is juxtaposed with a Lamentation scene in the original altar panel. Together, the frescoes and altar panel define the program of the chapel as the full cycle of redemption from the infancy narratives through Christ's sacrifice and death.

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