Artibus et Historiae no. 42 (XXI)
2000, ISSN 0391-9064Up
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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ANDRÉ CORBOZ - Danae by Mabuse as a Testimony of the Idea of Sancta Antiquitas
Mabuse's Danae (1527) is generally considered as a lower category erotic piece, but some have yet noticed its analogy with the Annunciation. After having underlined the connections between paganism and Christianism (their iconographies being often mingled, more particularly after the publication of the Corpus hermeticum by Ficino after 1463), this essay brings back the importance of the astrology in the religious believes and practices of princes and popes. The identification of the background buildings (Salomon's Temple and the edifices that come with it) authorises us to come to the conclusion that Danae and the Virgin Mary are identical, or even to reduce the latter to the former.