Artibus et Historiae no. 23 (XII)

1991, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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W. R. REARICK - Titian Drawings: A Progress Report

The limited purpose of this article is to survey the modern literature on the drawings of Titian up untii the present, and to introduce some new material.

From Hadeln's conservative views to the comprehensive but flawed approach of Tietze and Tietze-Conrat, scholars have by turns expanded or reduced Titian's oeuvre through the addition or later excision of many studies by Domenico Campagnola, and in response to Dryer's controversial allegation that many other works are fakes. A number of new attributions have not gained acceptance. Wethey seriously muddied the waters still further with his recent volume. Some order has since been restored by Chiari's admirably clear treatment, but it focuses on secure drawings and avoids peripheral works.

The Standing Male Nude acquired by the J. Paul Getty Museum is accorded in the article a detailed discussion for the first time, and a half dozen other little-known studies are placed within Titian's development as a draftsman. An excursus sets out to clarify Tintoretto's beginnings by transferring to him three drawings formerly thought to be by Titian. On the complex subject of Titian's drawings, this article is by no means the last word, merely the latest.

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