Artibus et Historiae no. 12 (VI)

1985, ISSN 0391-9064

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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ZYGMUNT WAZBIƃSKI - St. Luke Painting the Madonna in the Academy in Rome: a Pastiche by Zuccari in the Manner of Raphael?

St. Luke Painting the Madonna was attributed to Raphael for centuries, since its coming to light in the late Cinquecento until the 19th century. In the author's opinion it is a "pastiche" by Federico Zuccari, who offered this painting to the Academy in Rome as a work by Raphael, in order to heighten the prestige of the financially troubled institution. The painting was restored by Scipione Pulzone da Gaeta, another painter who closely followed Raphael's example. Not only the style, but also the iconography of the subject of the painting was supposed to represent the ideals of the Academy in Rome. From the painting we understand that the purpose of the Academy was to continue in the great tradition of Christian art, and for the member artist to become a second "St. Luke".

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